Tagged: ignorance

Jeff Gonzales: The Unteachable

Jeff Gonzales of Trident Concepts:

Every instructor will run into this student at some part in their career, it is only a question of when and how often. It’s unfortunate, but it is also nothing more than triage in a classroom.

An unteachable student is someone who is unable to make changes, improve or adapt due to mental obstacles. Examples of these obstacles are ego, dogma and my favorite ignorance. Ego is the most common I see in our classes and one of the easier ones to remedy…

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Note: I think he’s using the word “ignorance” to describe a fixed mindset that refuses to grow into safety or competence. That kind of ignorance is a huge problem. Literal ignorance, a lack of knowledge, is in my opinion not only ok in students but is the point of training. We go to class to turn areas of ignorance into areas of knowledge, through learning. That does require a growth mindset, though.