Adam Grant: Stop Serving the Feedback Sandwich

Adam Grant on giving negative feedback:

When I went to colleagues for advice, they all told me the same thing. Put a slice of praise on the top and the bottom, and stick the meat of your criticism in between. It’s the compliment sandwich, as Stewie Griffin called it on Family Guy—a technique for giving feedback that’s popular among leaders and coaches, parents and teachers.

But when I looked at the data, I learned that the feedback sandwich doesn’t taste as good as it looks…

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via Anne Barkema

John Hodges on “Stay In Your Lane”

John Hodges of Active Self Protection:

Next gun community term I would love to see die and be buried: “stay in your lane.” Condescending and unhelpful, almost always meant derogatorily. Needs definition every time, except to other high speed operators.

I get the heart of it. But it’s used to belittle, and that makes it unprofessional IMO.

A better rule…

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Miguel Gonzalez: Instructors and Context of Experience

Miguel Gonzalez of Gun Free Zone:

First let me say that if you served in the Military my undying thanks. But we must address the fact that your experiences in the Sandbox did not prepare you one bit to train civilians in Defensive Shooting. We have come a long way from the times where a NRA basic Pistol class was enough for anybody to go packing in the real world. Now good instructors will cover not only the operation of a firearm but the mindset that goes along in both engaging a bad guy or avoiding engagement with a bad guy. And let us not forget what comes afterward.

If you still feel that I am wrong, please allow me the following mental exercise…

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The Dark Side of Peer Review

Remind you of anything?

Peer review is intended to act as a gatekeeper in science. If working researchers deem a paper fit to be published, it should mean that the research is sound, rigorous, and accurate. But an experimental analysis of peer review suggests that peer review might also end up rejecting high-quality material. The analysis points to high levels of competition as the source of the problem.

Continue reading an overview, Can we trust peer review? New study highlights some problems, at ArsTechnica

Paper: Peer review and competition in the Art Exhibition Game by Stefano Baliettia, Robert L. Goldstoned, Dirk Helbinge


Jeff Gonzales: Barriers to Learning

Jeff Gonzales of Trident Concepts:

There are many ways people learn, but that is not the real issue. The real issue is a barrier that prevents a student from learning. There are all types of barriers, from lack of motivation to lack of interest and what I have noticed over the years is the importance behind the “why” in training. I don’t get too wrapped up these days about specifics of how I teach. Don’t get me wrong, there is a hell of lot of time in the organization and management of our curriculum. What I find more important is helping the student to understand why they are doing something or more importantly why the need to do something differently…

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h/t Phil Wong of Gator Farm Tactical

Working With Disabled Students

The NRA’s Disabled Shooting Services has a “Disability Awareness” document about working with disabled students. (For those not on the firearms side, the NRA is primarily a training and shooting competition organization.) There’s some gun-specific stuff in there, but it’s mostly practical info applicable to coaching and etiquette.

We all know we shouldn’t yell at blind people, but many people do not know what to say or how to behave when they meet someone with a disability. It is not uncommon for people to be apprehensive when meeting people with various physical disabilities. The important thing to remember is that despite the use of a wheelchair, canes or crutches, or the loss of a limb the individual is just like you.

Many people with disabilities have college degrees, are working professionals, have families and share other life similarities. Although each individual story is different, many of their dreams and goals are the same. One major goal that we all have in common is to be treated with respect.

Each person is different. There are some who will find working with people with disabilities easy and others who may be uncomfortable. We have compiled some basic information about working with people with disabilities that may help ease individuals’ concerns…

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Firearm Teaching Tool: Boom Box Expanded Hollow Point Example Set

We’re excited to announce our newest product! The Boom Box Expanded Hollow Point Example Kit. In the handy box (8 1/4″ X 5″ X 1 1/4″), we include fifteen different expanded hollow point bullets.

Expanded hollow points included in the kit, each with one 9mm Luger, one .40 S&W, and one .45 ACP:

  • Barnes TAC-XPD all copper bullets
  • Federal Premium Ammunition HST bullets
  • Hornady XTP bullets
  • Sig Sauer V-Crown bullets
  • Speer Gold Dot bullets

We carefully control the process to get expansion results that match published data. Each expanded bullet has a label on the base, indicating the caliber, bullet type, and weight. They’re also clear coated to keep the exposed lead covered and looking great for years. However, remember to wash hands after handling them.

Price is $69.95. Check it out here at Bullet Bouquets.

Bob Mayne & Paul Lathrop Launch Self Defense Radio Network

Bob Mayne says:

Paul Lathrop and I put our heads together and came up with Self Defense Radio Network. It’s a partnership and Paul and Susan and myself have formed. Our goal is to appeal to a wide range of podcasts. Not just firearms but any podcast related to human self defense. Martial arts and prepping podcast will be welcome. There will NOT be a charge to be a member of our network. Our goal is to sell advertising and network members will participate in a significant portion of the ad revenue each month. Another major benefit is that you will grow your podcast audience in a big way. Website launch will be coming soon and we hope to have podcasts join soon. The first 2 podcasts will be the Polite Society Podcast and the Handgun World Podcast. Who’s in?

Stay tuned at the Self Defense Radio Network Facebook page